Feuilles : vertes[-jaunâtres], larges de 2-4 mm, égalant souvent la tige;
Leaves: 2-5 mm wide, channelled, smooth, rather shorter than or equalling the stems; ligule 1 mm, collar-like. Inflorescence comprising a single terminal male
Fruit : utricules à la fin jaunâtres étalés, mais non réfléchis, petits (3 mm), subglobuleux, rétrécis en bec assez court, fin, toujours droit, dépassant l'écaille.
Fruit: 4 x 2 mm smooth, ovoid, trigonous, narrowed gradually into a bent, bifid, serrulate beak, deflexed when ripe. Nut 1.5 mm, obovoid, trigonous, pointed at base, truncate and pointed at apex; stigmas 3.